Operating System

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Excel 2010 Test Questions 38

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191. What command specifies complex criteria to limit which records are included in the result set of a query?

A.    Sort
B.     Advanced Filter
C.     Filter
D.    Screen

Answer: B

192. What command totals related data in several rows by inserting totals for selected cells?

A.    Subtotals
B.     Group
C.     Totals
D.    Calculate

Answer: A

193. In a worksheet, which command suggests other words with a similar meaning that can be used?

A.    Spelling
B.     Research
C.     Thesaurus
D.    Language

Answer:  C

194. Which ribbon contains commands to add a comment about a selected cell in a worksheet?

A.    Home
B.     Insert
C.     Data
D.    Review

Answer: D

195. What command prevents unwanted changes to data in a worksheet by specifying exactly what information may be changed?

A.    Protect Workbook
B.     Protect Sheet
C.     Share
D.    Protection

Answer: B

196. What command limits structural changes, such as adding, deleting, or moving sheets, that can be made in a workbook?

A.    Protect Workbook
B.     Protect Sheet
C.     Share
D.    Protection

Answer: A

197. Which function key quickly opens the Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Online Help window?

A.    F1
B.     F2
C.     F3
D.    F4

Answer: A

198. What keyboard shortcut automatically saves a worksheet with the current name and in the current location?

A.    Ctrl + V
B.     Ctrl + S
C.     Alt + S
D.    Alt + V

Answer: B

199. What keyboard shortcut will undo the last action in a worksheet?

A.    Ctrl + X
B.     Ctrl + U
C.     Ctrl + Z
D.    Alt + U

Answer: C

200. Which area on the title bar contains a command that will save a workbook with changes and close the Excel Program Window?

A.    Window Control Buttons
B.     Quick Access Toolbar
C.     Shortcut Menu
D.    Excel Quick keys

Answer: A
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