Operating System

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Excel 2010 Test Questions 31

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156. How do you quickly modify a table style to meet user preferences?

A.    Right-click on a style and choose Modify
B.     Right-click on a style and choose Duplicate
C.     Double-click a style from the Table Quick Styles Gallery
D.    Choose Modify from the Styles Group on the Home Ribbon

Answer: B

157. When sorting data in a table, which fields are selected as fields to sort by?

A.    Field keys
B.     Table keys
C.     Sort keys
D.    Sequence keys

Answer: C

158. Which technique uses the table column heading arrows to narrow data in a table to show only specific items meeting a desired criterion?

A.    AutoFilter
B.     AutoSort
C.     Organize
D.    Filter

Answer: A

159. What is a visual way to show how two variables relate to each other in a table?

A.    Sparkline
B.     Dataline
C.     Data trend
D.    Trendline

Answer: D

160. Which is an interactive view of worksheet data that gives a user the ability to summarize the data by selecting categories in which to group the data?

A.    PivotChart
B.     PivotTable
C.     PivotDate
D.    RotateTable

Answer: B
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